The Rise of the Rookies
The conventional wisdom is that rookies take a while to contribute. They make mistakes. They might even be a detriment at the beginning.
Sure, they’re inexperienced on paper. But you know what else they are?
Best Gifts for Coworkers in the Office: 27 Ideas
Finding that perfect present for a colleague or coworker can be hard work. Maybe the holiday season is coming up, your work bestie has a birthday or milestone, or it’s just a random Wednesday.
How to Make Your CEO’s Life Easier
Over the past few weeks, several of my Chief of Staff clients happened to share a common concern. They told me how they were afraid of doing something and having their CEO say it was wrong, or that they would step on another executives’ toes.
Diversity in the Workplace: Definition and Benefits
Diversity in the workplace gets a lot of attention these days—and for good reason! Fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is a fundamental aspect of successful business leadership—not just a buzzword.
Embracing diversity goes beyond simply adhering to societal norms. It involves recognizing and celebrating the varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that individuals bring to the table.
Tiger Woods: Green to Tee Mentality
During the 2006 British Open–one of the four Major PGA golf tournaments–Tiger Woods pulled out his driver only two times.
I’ll say that again. Over all four days and 72 holes of the tournament, he pulled out his driver only two times.
We often think the best golfers are the ones who hit it farthest.
But in 2006, Tiger dominated the British Open by teeing off with four and five irons, and aiming his shots to particular edges of the fairways, not always the middle.
The Secret Power of Speaking Last
It was like a scene from a corporate thriller movie.
There I was: early in my career, young, most junior at the company, sitting in a high-stakes meeting.
I glanced around the room. Everyone outranked me. All the VPs and SVPs, the C-Suite Execs, the CEO, and even the Founders were gathered.
The 10-Second Stress-Buster: How to Stay Composed Under Pressure
In our fast-paced working world, stress can ambush us when we least expect it. Whether you’re a Chief of Staff juggling a million tasks or an entry-level employee who is battling the daily grind, having a quick and effective stress-busting tool is essential.
Enter the 10-Second Stress Buster - a quick and easy way to stay composed under pressure.
Top 15 Female Leadership and Executive Coaches
Explore the best female coaches in business, top choices for entrepreneurs seeking expert guidance and coaching to empower women in their ventures.
Cheerios With My Dad
I was raised by a lawyer, which means I had “get it in writing” drilled into me.
Why should we document things at work? Well, there are two main reasons:
It can serve as a useful reference point in the future, and
It can promote future conflict resolution
But what exactly should we be putting in writing? I recommend starting with: