Don’t Forget This Key Ingredient to Success: Stay On Your Growth Edge

Stay on your growth edge to be successful

I love working with people on their growth edge — that realm one step outside your comfort zone. The more time you spend there, the more comfortable you become. This newfound comfort is an indicator that you’re moving in the right direction.

If you don’t do something perfectly at your growth edge, good. Learn from it and go again. You’ve just made progress. Once you get that first toehold of progress, that’s when you realize, “Ah! I have evidence now. It’s working. Maybe I can do this.”

Over time, your comfort zone increases and your growth edge expands, allowing you to explore increasingly more diverse experiences, gaining valuable knowledge every step of the way — about your work and yourself.

This knowledge informs future experiences, providing incremental successes, all leading to an epiphany that makes your growth edge a far more comfortable place to live — you’re successful because you “fail” more times than other people try.

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