Author of the book

“Hacking Executive Leadership”


After years of aggressive self-improvement, I distilled all my insights from a decade-and-a-half of leadership and coaching experience into this brief, easy-to-read book.

Hacking Executive Leadership:

  • The secret of the “swizzle”™—using divergent thinking to apply your ideas, experience and skills in new ways.

  • How three circles can help you know when to keep your cool and when to (productively) lose it.

  • Why Pete Carroll made the right call—even though it cost the Seahawks the Superbowl—and how that can transform the way you think about failure today.

  • Worth-the-price-of-admission hiring and recruitment hacks, including which “little things” you must pay attention to and which ones you should ignore.

  • Twenty “play calls”—strategies, tools, mindsets, and tricks for becoming the kind of leader you want to be.

Check out my book, pull out your highlighter, and get ready to level up!