The Power of Delegation: Lessons from Aarti Bhatnagar

Aarti Bhatnagar transitioned from management consulting to Chief of Staff roles and now to coaching. She reflects on the often misunderstood role of the Chief of Staff and offers practical strategies for navigating its complexities.

Key Takeaways  

  • The Art of Delegation: As Chief of Staff, you can’t do everything. Delegation isn’t just about efficiency—it’s a necessity for managing priorities and delivering results. 

  • Hunger to Learn: Adapting to new industries, learning technical lingo, and asking questions are essential traits for Chiefs of Staff to thrive in unfamiliar territory.  

  • Setting the Rhythm: Chiefs of Staff play a vital role in creating communication cadences and aligning teams with leadership priorities to ensure everyone stays on the same page.  

Real-World Applications:  

  • The Art of Delegation: Clarity in Ownership

    Imagine you’re leading a team responsible for organizing a large conference. Instead of attempting to personally manage every detail, focus on clear delegation. Assign team members specific areas of responsibility—like logistics, marketing, and guest relations—and clearly communicate your expectation that they deliver results, not that you execute everything.

  • Creating a Rhythm of Business: Sustaining Momentum

    Establish a structured cadence of weekly leadership meetings, monthly team check-ins, and quarterly business reviews. These meetings serve as the “heartbeat” of the project, ensuring that priorities are revisited, progress is shared, and any misalignments are addressed promptly.  

  • Stakeholder Communication: Information Flow at All Levels

    In a growing startup, leadership decisions often fail to trickle down effectively. Create tailored communication channels: executive updates for the C-suite, weekly huddles for team leaders, and digestible newsletters for the entire staff. This ensures everyone, from entry-level employees to top management, stays informed and aligned with the company’s vision. 

Notable Quotes  

  • "As Chief of Staff, you’re juggling so many things that come your way. You need to keep all the balls in the air, but you’re only one person. The key is to ensure the balls don’t drop, not that you’re holding all of them."

  • "You need to understand your principal’s strengths. It’s your job to make them the most effective leader while you focus on the 'how' and they focus on the 'what'."

  • "A Chief of Staff role can feel invisible or thankless, but it’s a critical role—you're the heartbeat of the organization, ensuring all teams and leaders are in sync."


Aarti’s journey highlights the key strength of self-awareness, learning, and delegation in leadership roles. Whether you’re a Chief of Staff or someone navigating a high-pressure role, her insights serve as a reminder that success lies not in doing it all but in knowing how to orchestrate effectively. If you’re looking to take your leadership game to the next level, remember: focus on the how while empowering your teams to deliver the what.


0:00:06 - Aarti's journey to becoming a leadership coach and her role as Chief of Staff.

0:03:20 - The multifaceted Chief of Staff role.

0:08:42 - Setting weekly priorities and adapting to change.

0:11:15 – "Walking deck" and improving communication as Chief of Staff.

0:16:32 - A strategic initiative to enhance communication within her company.

0:23:49 – The transition from Chief of Staff to leadership coach and lessons learned.

0:26:17 – Understanding a principal's strengths and adapting for effective leadership.

Reach out to Aarti Bhatnagar:

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Aarti is open to conversations about leadership, coaching, and the Chief of Staff role. Whether you're currently a Chief of Staff, aspiring to be one, or simply intrigued by the intricacies of business leadership, Aarti welcomes your insights and inquiries. Connect with her today!


About The Author

Emily Sander is an ICF-certified leadership coach with more than 15 years of experience in the business world and the author of Hacking Executive Leadership. She’s been featured in several print publications, online articles, and podcasts, including CEO Today Magazine, Leading to Fulfillment, and Leadership Powered by Common Sense. 

Emily has a passion for helping business leaders reach their full potential. Go here to read her story from seasoned executive to knowledgeable coach. If you want to send Emily a quick message, then visit her contact page here.


What is a Chief of Staff, anyway?


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