The Ultimate Guide to Finding an Executive Leadership Coach


You’ve got a storied career full of achievements. You’ve climbed the corporate ladder. And now you’re looking to take the next step in your leadership journey with a good coach. Welcome to the exciting world of executive leadership coaching! 

There are a huge number of business coaching options out there, with a dizzying array of titles and styles. (If you’re wondering about the difference between life coaches, professional coaches, leadership coaches, and business coaches, see my blog here.)

All of these options can be overwhelming. In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the best way to find the right coach for you. 

Why Executive Leadership Coaching?

Executive leadership coaching is a crucial tool for great leaders in today's fast-paced, competitive business world. Executive coaching services can be a game-changer, helping you become a better leader—and achieve better results.

These results will ripple across your entire team, boosting their performance. When you take the time to improve your leadership skills, you can expect increased productivity, better communication, and a healthier work environment.

Executive coaching doesn't only benefit your professional life; it can also lead to significant improvements in personal development and work-life balance. A well-rounded coach understands the importance of holistic growth that takes the whole person into account.

What is Executive Leadership Coaching?

Executive coaching is a specialized form of leadership development focused on honing the skills and abilities of senior managers and business leaders. As a leader, coaching can help you navigate the challenges you face, develop better communication skills, and unlock your full leadership potential. 

The right executive coach tailors their program to fit your needs. You may need to hone some key leadership skills. You may need insight into your personal leadership style. You may need to navigate a transition in your career or in your organization. Whatever your needs, there’s an executive coach for you.

A top executive coach acts as a trusted advisor and sounding board for their clients. They help identify blind spots and offer honest feedback to promote growth and self-awareness. And it’s not just about talking—the best coaches create actionable development plans tailored to their clients’ needs.

Qualifications & Skills: Evaluating a Potential Coach

Coaching is a highly personal relationship. You’ll work closely with your coach. You’ll need to be open and honest with them in order to get the most from their expertise. Finding the right leadership coach–one you trust and get along with—is key. 

Naturally, this requires thorough due diligence. Explore the coach's website, read client reviews, and inquire about their coaching process, action plans, and diagnostic tools used. Set up an introductory call to see if you’re a good fit for each other and understand what kind of coaching relationship you might have. This research will help you make an informed decision. 

Here are some key considerations to look for as you search for a coach.

Qualifications and Certifications

Qualifications and certifications should be one of the first things you look for as you consider a potential coach. Look for a qualified coach affiliated with reputable organizations such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Coaching certification programs like the ICF have evolved to meet the changing demands of the industry, and ensure that certified coaches meet the industry’s highest standards and best practices.

Be very wary of anyone calling themself a “coach” without these qualifications! 

Years of Experience and Track Record

Experience matters in executive coaching. The best executive coaches often have years of experience in business or in the coaching industry. They may specialize in one or more industries, or they may have a diverse range of clients across various fields. Don't hesitate to ask for testimonials or case studies showcasing the coach's past successes.

Coaching Style and Approach

Each coach has a unique coaching style and approach. Some might focus on change management, while others emphasize emotional intelligence, team building, or other skills or scenarios. Find a coach whose style aligns with your leadership goals, your current professional or organizational needs, as well as your personal preferences.

Matching Personalities and Communication Styles

An essential but sometimes overlooked aspect of executive coaching is the chemistry between the coach and the client. A good fit in terms of personalities and communication styles is absolutely key! Schedule an intro call with your potential coach before you commit to a coaching program with them.

Coaches with Academic Backgrounds

Some executive coaches have backgrounds in higher education, bringing a wealth of academic knowledge to their coaching practice. This synergy can benefit leaders seeking a deeper understanding of leadership theories and practices.

Online Courses and Coaching Programs

With the rise of the virtual world, online courses and executive coaching programs have become popular. Depending on your needs, a coach or program that offers facilitated or self-guided online courses could be a good resource for you or your team.

What Kind of Coaching Do You Need?

Understanding what kind of coaching you’re looking for can help you narrow down the huge variety of coaching options out in the world. Look for a coach who specializes in areas that are directly relevant to your leadership roles and business environment. Some coaches might focus on career transition, while others excel in conflict resolution, team performance, getting you out of your comfort zone, or more! 

Below, I’ll break down some of the specializations you might look for in a coach. We’ll take a look at two broad categories: coaching for skills and coaching for scenarios.

Knowing what kind of coaching you’re looking for can also help you determine what kind of coaching engagement will be effective for you. If you’re looking to develop skills, you might look for a longer-term relationship. If you’re looking to work through a certain scenario, a shorter engagement might be right for you.

Coaching for Skills

Maybe you’ve identified a weak spot in your leadership skillset that you’re looking to improve. Or maybe you want to double down on an area of strength! Here are some of the skills you might keep in mind as you look for a great coach to boost your skills. 

Effective Time Management and Prioritization

Time management is crucial for busy senior leaders. Executive coaches can help you develop effective time management strategies, helping you focus on high-impact tasks and priorities.


Similarly, effective delegation is crucial for leadership success. An executive coach can guide leaders in identifying tasks suitable for delegation, selecting the right team members for assignments, and establishing a system of accountability. This helps leaders optimize their own time and empower their teams to excel.

Change Management and Adaptability

In the ever-evolving business world, change is inevitable. Executive coaches can assist senior leaders develop change management skills and adaptability that ensures you lead your teams effectively through periods of transition and uncertainty.

Better Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership. A coach can help you enhance your communication skills, both in one-on-one interactions and when addressing larger groups or teams.

Building Resilience

Resilience is a vital trait for leaders facing constant challenges. Executive coaches can help leaders develop resilience, showing you how to bounce back from setbacks and maintain focus during challenging times.

Better Work-Life Balance and Avoiding Burnout

Senior leaders often face immense pressure and long working hours, leading to burnout. Executive coaching can help you achieve a healthier work-life balance and prevent burnout—while maintaining high performance and your personal life.

Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

Emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills are critical for leaders, enabling them to understand and manage their emotions and those of their team members. Executive coaches can help you develop emotional intelligence, leading to more empathetic and balanced leadership.

Conflict Resolution and Building Relationships

Conflict is a natural part of any organization. An executive coach can equip you with conflict resolution strategies and relationship-building techniques, fostering a more harmonious and productive work environment.


Senior leaders bear significant responsibility for making critical decisions that impact the organization's future. Executive coaching can help you sharpen your decision-making abilities and make more informed choices.

Effective Team Building and Collaboration

Strong teams are the foundation of successful organizations. Executive coaches can guide you in building cohesive, high-performing teams that embrace a culture of collaboration.

Strategic Thinking

An executive coach can boost your strategic thinking by helping you analyze complex situations, consider long-term implications, and set clear organizational goals. Coaching can enhance your ability to formulate and implement strategic plans that align with their company's vision and adapt to changing market dynamics.


An executive coach can work with you to hone your problem-solving skills. Coaching on problem-solving will encourage creative thinking, foster a structured approach to issues, and provide frameworks for analytical decision-making. All this can help you tackle challenges effectively, fostering innovation and efficiency within your org.

Negotiation Skills

An executive coach can work with you on negotiation strategies, communication techniques, and role-playing scenarios. With these skills, you’ll be able to reach mutually beneficial agreements and manage conflicts constructively.


An executive coach can help you expand your professional networks by offering guidance on effective networking strategies. They’ll provide insight into relationship-building, connecting with industry peers, and leveraging these connections for business opportunities and personal growth.

Motivation and Engagement

Need help inspiring and motivating your teams? An executive coach can help you understand what drives their motivation—both individually and collectively. With a coach, you can develop strategies to boost employee engagement, foster a positive work environment, and achieve better organizational results.

Performance Management

Clear, measurable goals are key to providing effective structure to your teams. An executive leadership coach can help you implement a performance evaluation process to drive individual and team excellence. A coach can guide you on how to provide constructive feedback, recognize achievements, and address issues effectively.


To boost self-confidence and self-belief, an executive coach can work with you on self-awareness and self-perception. By addressing limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome, a coach can empower you to project confidence and make bold decisions.

Innovation and Creativity

Fostering a culture of innovation and creativity often requires a shift in leadership mindset. An executive coach can help you embrace risk, encourage diverse thinking, and create an environment where new ideas are welcomed and nurtured.

Cultural Sensitivity

If you’re adjusting to a globalized business landscape, an executive coach can help you  understand and navigate different cultures. They can provide cultural awareness training, showing you how to communicate, collaborate, and do business more effectively with diverse international partners, clients, and teams.

Customer Focus

To enhance customer-centric thinking and service, an executive coach can help you understand customer needs, establish a customer-focused culture, and implement strategies for delivering exceptional service and building lasting customer relationships.

Financial Acumen

If you need a little more know-how on the financial side of things, an executive coach can boost your understanding of financial reports and metrics by providing financial literacy training, explaining key indicators, and offering insights into financial decision-making. 

Executive Presence

An executive coach can work with you on projecting confidence and authority in executive roles. Through coaching, leaders learn to enhance their communication, body language, and leadership presence, ensuring they have a commanding and impactful presence in the boardroom and beyond.

Coaching for Scenarios

In addition to skill-building, executive leadership coaching can help you navigate changes related to organizational needs or professional transitions. If you or your org are making a significant change, keep an eye out for coaches who might specialize in the below.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Some executive coaches focus on mergers and acquisitions. Working with a coach like this can support you as you navigate the complexities and uncertainties of these transitions.

Career Transitions

Leadership roles are dynamic, and executives may sometimes find themselves transitioning into new positions. Executive career coaching can provide guidance and support during these transitions, helping leaders navigate the challenges that come with new responsibilities.

Culture Change

Culture is difficult to pin down, but absolutely critical in creating a positive working environment that encourages your staff to bring their best to the job. If your org is bogged down by cultural pitfalls, a leadership coach can help you figure out what’s going on—and how to fix it.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are essential aspects of modern leadership. Executive coaching can help you foster an inclusive work environment and promote diversity in leadership roles. Executive coaches focused on DEI can also help diverse leaders thrive in new leadership roles.

Succession Planning

If you’re planning to step down or retire, an executive coach can help you identify and develop potential successors by providing insights into their leadership styles and strengths. Through coaching, they can create a roadmap for successful leadership transitions, ensuring continuity and a smooth handover of responsibilities.

Start-Up Leadership

Things move quickly in a start-up environment! A coach with experience in the dynamic world of startups, can guide you on building a strong foundation, setting clear goals, and maintaining focus. They offer valuable insights on scaling, team building, and managing the unique challenges associated with early-stage ventures.

International Expansion

If you’re venturing into new international markets, an executive coach can offer cross-cultural insights, helping you adapt leadership styles and business approaches. They can provide guidance on market-specific challenges, fostering a smoother global expansion.

Crisis Management

During crises, an executive coach helps you maintain composure, make sound decisions, and effectively communicate with stakeholders. They provide you with a supportive sounding board as you work out strategies for managing the situation while keeping an eye on long-term recovery.

Industry Disruption

Many industries have faced rapid changes in recent years. An executive coach can help you stay agile and adapt to new market conditions. They can expand your horizons and encourage the innovative thinking you’ll need to guide your organization through an industry transformation.

Remote Leadership

In a remote work environment, an executive coach can help you manage and motivate virtual teams. They provide strategies for effective remote communication, team collaboration, and maintaining productivity and employee well-being in a virtual environment.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

An executive coach can help you align your organization with sustainability and CSR goals. They might assist with creating and implementing socially responsible strategies, enhancing corporate reputation, and fostering a sense of purpose among employees and stakeholders.

Coaching for Different Organizations

The type of organization you lead can also influence the coach you’d like to work with. If the below apply to you and your org, look out for a coach with relevant experience in your type or scale of business or your industry. 

Nonprofit Leadership

Executive coaching is not solely reserved for corporate environments. Leaders in nonprofit organizations face unique challenges due to their distinct missions and organizational structures. If you’re a leader in a nonprofit, keep an eye out for a coach that focuses on nonprofit leadership.

Small Businesses

Small business owners can greatly benefit from executive coaching, as it helps them develop leadership skills and strategic thinking to grow their businesses effectively.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Regardless of scale, entrepreneurs and business owners face unique challenges, and executive coaching can provide valuable insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of running a company successfully.

Coaching for Executive Teams

In addition to working with you one-on-one, some executive coaches specialize in working with entire teams of leaders. These coaches can improve cohesion among your leadership team, and make sure that everyone knows how to work together in the best interests of the business.

Coaching for Staff

As you look for a leadership coach, consider whether others in your team or organization could benefit from coaching as well.

High-Potential Employees and Future Leaders

Coaching isn't limited to current senior leaders. Identifying and developing high-potential employees and future leaders through coaching can positively impact succession planning and the organization's long-term success.

Human Resources

Human resources (HR) professionals play a pivotal role in an organization's success. Executive coaching tailored for HR leaders can enhance their skills in talent management, employee engagement, and fostering a positive company culture.


Finding the top executive leadership coach requires careful consideration of various factors. 

By understanding the importance of executive coaching, assessing qualifications, matching personalities, and doing thorough research, you can identify the best coach to elevate your leadership skills and achieve your career goals. 

Embrace the transformative potential of executive coaching and embark on a journey towards becoming a better leader, empowering yourself to make a lasting impact on your organization and people's lives.

Remember: investing in executive coaching is an investment in yourself and your organization's success!


About The Author

Emily Sander is an ICF-certified leadership coach with more than 15 years of experience in the business world and the author of Hacking Executive Leadership. She’s been featured in several print publications, online articles, and podcasts, including CEO Today Magazine, Leading to Fulfillment, and Leadership Powered by Common Sense. 

Emily has a passion for helping business leaders reach their full potential. Go here to read her story from seasoned executive to knowledgeable coach. If you want to send Emily a quick message, then visit her contact page here.


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