Do I Have Your Attention?

I launched my new podcast series (you can check it out here), and let me tell you… the learning curve was steep

At first, I was trying to do it all myself, but once I got to the post-production part–you know, the editing, the sound mixing, all the making-it-look-and-sound-good-technical stuff?–I was in way over my head. 

I’m a big believer in surrounding yourself with people who excel at their chosen passions. Because then I don’t have to spend 50 minutes doing something they can knock out in 5. When you’ve got a good team, everyone can stay focused on their highest value activities. 

So I reached out for some help. I tried out a few editors, a couple post-production gurus. 

And then this one guy on Upwork… I asked him simply to look at my raw files and give me a quote.

Instead, within 24 hours, he delivered the entire project, with all its various elements and versions.

He had my attention.

I took a call with him. It was immediately clear that he loved doing this sort of work. He was passionate about it. I hired him on the spot. He and I make each other’s lives easier and better.

The point? Customer service matters. Going above and beyond matters. 

And nothing gets someone’s attention more quickly than impressing them. 

Get out there and make an impression this week!


About The Author

Emily Sander is an ICF-certified leadership coach with more than 15 years of experience in the business world and the author of Hacking Executive Leadership. She’s been featured in several print publications, online articles, and podcasts, including CEO Today Magazine, Leading to Fulfillment, and Leadership Powered by Common Sense. 

Emily has a passion for helping business leaders reach their full potential. Go here to read her story from seasoned executive to knowledgeable coach. If you want to send Emily a quick message, then visit her contact page here.


How to Slow Down Time: Part One


Leveraging Your Cognitive Attention