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Books for a Better You: They Ask, You Answer

Welcome back to Books for a Better You, the series where I review books I have found useful or thought-provoking. 

Last month, I reviewed Hannibal and Me, a book that helped me redefine success and prepared me for leadership. Today, I will be discussing They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan, a man who started answering questions about pools for his struggling pool company and soon became the most sought-after installer in his area.

They Ask, You Answer: A Straightforward Content Philosophy

If you search for “content marketing tips” on Google, you’ll find tons of articles that will teach you how to build a complex strategy that will help you grow your business. In They Ask, You Answer, Marcus Sheridan shows us that content strategies do not have to be complicated to be effective. They can be as straightforward as “answer the questions customers have about your product or industry.”

This philosophy, Sheridan says, offers two main benefits. First and foremost, it helps businesses build trust with the people who visit their websites. Customers generally respect companies that are honest and transparent about their products. They are often distrusting of organizations that cannot or will not provide them with the info they need to know before they make a purchase.

This increase in trust leads to the second benefit of the They Ask, You Answer philosophy: more sales. People want to buy from companies they believe to be honest and trustworthy.

Customers also enjoy convenience. They do not want to have to call companies to find out how to install their software or what integrations their program is compatible with. They want to be able to find this information online. They will generally buy from the first business that can provide them with the answers they need. 

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In essence, Sheridan believes that if you genuinely try to help people, it will pay off in the end. It is a philosophy I agree with. It’s why my website features tons of free resources and insights.

I just want to help people. If they decide to get in touch and become a client, great! If not, that is okay too. As long as I have helped them make a change in their life or take the next step in their career, I have succeeded. 

In my opinion, They Ask, You Answer is an essential read for anyone who works in sales or who owns their own business. It’s packed full of useful tips, like:

  • Talk about the customer five times more than yourself. People don’t want to hear your company history. They want to know how you can help them.

  • Ask every member of your team to contribute to your content, even a short blog or FAQ. Marketing can clean up the copy later.

  • Have your sales team forward customer questions and answers to your marketing department as source material. 

If you’d like to grab a copy of They Ask, You Answer for yourself, Amazon has got you covered!

Once you have read the book, I recommend taking some time to sit and make a list of questions you’d have if you were shopping for your own product or service. Let that list guide your content strategy moving forward. Your customers will thank you!

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About The Author

Emily Sander is an ICF-certified leadership coach with more than 15 years of experience in the business world and the author of Hacking Executive Leadership. She’s been featured in several print publications, online articles, and podcasts, including CEO Today Magazine, Leading to Fulfillment, and Leadership Powered by Common Sense. 

Emily has a passion for helping business leaders reach their full potential. Go here to read her story from seasoned executive to knowledgeable coach. If you want to send Emily a quick message, then visit her contact page here.